Originally Posted by CSC
How nice of Dick to come out of the gargage cellar or wherever he has been holding up to grace the world with his prescence once again,
See he's now inventing words "enhanced interrogation methods", how about calling it torture, we all know what it is. What a bull-$hitter he is, atleast Bush has exited gracefully.
i read an article the other day by thomas sowell...among other things that he said in the article was something along the lines of~ how many american lives are you willing to give up in order to have a terrorist not be put thru some difficulties? not an exact quote, but that was the gist of what he said. i thought he had a point there.
now, we may get a bit squeamish at the thought of not playing nice. but in war, you can't play nice...i've come to the conclusion after much thought that we need to do what we need to do, hopefully within reason, to keep another 9-11 type occurrence from happening.
and like george patton, one of my favorite military heroes ever said....you don't die for your country, you make the other poor bastard die for his country. or something to that effect. old blood and guts knew what it took-he'd never make it in today's oh so political correct world.