Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-10-2006, 04:51 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
Hialeah Park
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
that the U.S. government has too much power over its citizens as of right now? Who is willing to give up all of their freedoms for national security? Why are we in Iraq?
I was thinking of staying out of this discourse, as it's futile to talk truth to those that believe all the propaganda that they've eaten.
Unfortunately, the US government has indeed taken too much power from its citizens. The tactic is "fear". We all, patriotic Americans, really want to do our best to maintain a safe environment for our families and ourselves.
So, we take off our shoes at the security check prior to the boarding gate, discard our shampoo and deoderant.
Have we given up freedoms? The Patriot Act includes provisions for reporting which books you've checked out from your library. Your overseas phone calls are probably monitored, as are your private financial dealings.
Has that helped national security? Well, like Danzig, I have nothing to hide.
However, independent contractors operating in Iraq seem to have kept their dealings well hidden from the American taxpayers. If anyone knows of the current cost over runs concerning Halliburton (the company that vp Cheney was CEO of prior to his current tenure), please provide the link.
Why are we in Iraq? It was our present administration's war of choice.
It is overwhelmingly opposed by the majority of Americans as of now.
There is no exit strategy as the death toll mounts and civil war ensues.
We are losing in Iraq, as we are in Afghanistan. Now there is talk of a pre-emptive air strike against Iran to take out their nuclear program.
Seems that the "uniter" has lead this once great country down the same path that others did during the Vietnam era. Unfortunately, we are a divided nation...and we are losing two wars despite the sacrifice of so many.
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