Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
And you are not only a liberal...you are a flaming liberal.
I don't know much about anything other than Cleveland sports...but with the extreme liberal media that exists, when exactly did the word "liberal" become a bad thing?? Something so bad, that nearly every single democrat today runs screeching at fear for being called a "liberal". This is a word thrown out all the time meant to be a demeaning thing. Why exactly is that??
What is a liberal?? The media has been called "liberal". What does that mean? Was William Buckley liberal simply because he wrote newspaper articles?? Is this Glenn Beck guy liberal because he is on TV and radio?? Rush Limbaugh is a liberal because he does a radio show?? Because by classic definition, the media is absolutely controlled by these liberals. I mean completely controlled. I could go on with Sean Hannity and others. But if these guys are by strict defnition liberals...who are the conservatives within the media?? So Rachel Maddow and Michael Savage are the same because both are media entities??
I have great trouble understanding these discussions in this section which is why I never post in this section. The media is a liberal construct. Educate me.