Originally Posted by Riot
Not really, not any more. This isn't 10 years ago. Very few scientists with any national standing or international standing say it doesn't exist anymore. The overwhelming consensus is that it's very real, it's here, and it's happening far faster than we thought. The question is how much man can influence it or attenuate it. Go to nationalgeographic.com and enter "global warming", they've had some good articles with all sides discussed.
I think it is very possible global warming is occurring. There is no proof however that any of it is man made. There will never be any proof of that. Our ability to gather weather observations is vastly superior to 100 years ago and even 30 years ago. Regardless, there is proof of vast global cooling and warming long, long before human CO2 emissions. I'm pretty sure the last ice age came and went without any human assistance whatsoever.