Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-11-2006, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a

so since hussein committed genocie 'a long time ago' that's ok?? and it wasn't that long ago, not that that matters. i'd image the family members of those killed feel like it was just yesterday, when it was after gulf one. really not so long ago after all.

and as i said, those that are not u.s. citizens should fall under the geneva convention, but not the constitution. after all, our citizens convicted in foreign countries are not under the us constitution, so foreign nationals have no argument that they should be here. also, the geneva convention is supposedly for prisoners of war...that is where the bush admin tries to get slippery, they call this a war, but don't want to call the people they are fighting soldiers, they want to call them terrorists. can't have it both ways.

absolutely our citizens should have constitutional rights!
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