Originally Posted by gales0678
how do you define more time? she was a governor of a state , in a dual income family , what did you want her to do stay home and bake chocolate chip cookies? didn't women of yesterday fight so that the Sarah palin's of the world and the Hillary Clintons of the world could someday live out their dreams and run for and get elected to some of the highest offices in the country?
look at how some of the kennedy's turned out , i assume Rose Kennedy ran her house and her kid's lives 24/7 ---- didn't some of them get into trouble over the years??? Spending more time doesn't always lead to less trouble
i'm old fashioned in the sense that you if you choose to have a family, that family should come first. palin could run for gov, seek higher office, after her kids were older. i've worked since my kids were little, but they never spent time in day care or with a nanny-and i was home every night. the lack of parenting these days imo is the #1 reason for the huge spikes in teen pregnancy.
wonderful-she's running the state, who's running the house? and yes, sometimes kids still run into trouble regardless of a parents' best efforts-but having a mother on the run for months at a time while running for vp, and thrusting young kids into the limelight and dog eat dog world of politics can't possibly be in the best interests of those kids.