Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-11-2006, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
If you're going to provide a link to some left-wing nonsense, you should at least find something that is well thought and has good arguments. This article is a joke. You say that facts are presented. There are no facts in there. There are opinions in there and the opinions are clearly wrong and there are facts that prove they are wrong.

For example, the author says that "Everyobody in government knows that the terrorists hate us because of our blind support of Israel, 'not because they hate our freedom.' "

The author has got to be kidding. First of all, there is nobody in governmet that thinks that. He claims that everyone in government thinks that. I would like to know which people in government think that. I have heard dozens of interviews with people in our government from both sides of the aisle and I don't know one person who shares this view. More importantly, Israel has very little to do with why the terrorists hate us. Bin Laden rarely discussed Israel before 9/11. The main thing he talked about was wanting us out of Saudi Arabia. Israel was never his issue. Today, terrorists are constantly threatening us saying that we must convert to Islam or they will kill us. That has nothing to do with Israel but everything to do with freedom, freedom of religion.

How could you post such nonsense. A 12 year old kid could beat this author in a debate. I like it when the author says, "The Bush administration has bungled the war on terror so badly that there are no real prospects of winning."

This is a stupid comment considering that the war on terror was in response to 9/11. One of the main objectives of the war on terror was to make sure that there would be no more terror attacks in the US. We know darn well that the terrorists have been doing everything in their power to attack us again, but our government has prevented them from doing so. There has not been one terrorist attack in this country since 9/11. The main objective of the war on terror was to prevent further attacks on our soil. So contrary to the contention of the genius author that the war on terror has been so badly bungled, the facts are that the war on terror has been incredibly successful and has thwarted every single terrorist plot to attack us again in the US. I'm not saying that our government hasn't made any mistakes. Sure they have made mistakes. I think there are lot of things that they could be doing better. But I certainly have to give them credit for being so successful in protecting the homeland from any more attacks. They've done a great job. The CIA, FBI, Dep. of Homeland security, etc. have all done great jobs.

If you are going to post any more articles, plese don't insult our intelligence. At least, post an article that makes some intelligent arguments.
I too think this article may have been a little over the top because it went into the slippery slope fallacy (which could become a reality; nothing is guaranteed), but there is some real truth in it. I also looked at just who wrote the article. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and check out just who the author is. He's got some real credibility and people may should listen to him and consider what he is saying. That way, they will be prepared and won't be surprised if something like that does end up happening (I HOPE NOT). If this article isn't a wake up call, then nothing will be a wake up call.

Let me ask you something...Do you think that those two Americans should have been stripped of their Constitutional rights and held indefinitely without the right to a trial?
I would really like to know just what those two Americans did to deserve that. If anyone has any information, please inform me!

What about those two women who were handcuffed and strip searched? Was that right? Well, it infuriates me! It makes me want to go protest right in front of the White House with a great big poster saying that I am against the war! I want to see what they would do! That way, I would know whether or not the government did have too much power.
I do wish the article would have provided a little more detail as to what actually happened there. Does anyone know of any articles that related to this particular instance?

I take it that you are 100% Republican (please correct me if I'm wrong). I thought the author's argument was not particularly weak, and had some extremely valid points that are indeed FACTS and not opinions, although some were opinons, but not ALL. By the way Rupert, if you look, the author is/was in the governement.

Also, what our government says to us through TV is not known to be truthful 100% of the time. What they say on TV may be totally different from what they talk about amongst themselves.

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-11-2006 at 11:59 PM.
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