Originally Posted by Danzig
interesting that more countries are recognizing that right now we have bigger obstacles in front of us then warming-which may be why so many are re-thinking their priorities. but not obama and the House...
Personally, I think this issue has been tied to getting the US off of Petroleum and Coal. Imo opinion if we could get away from these two sources of energy, or at least limit our dependency with alternatives, it would solve some huge problems:
1. The middle east, Iran, Ven., and Russia dont hold US and therefore many of our allies hostage in negotiations that effect the economy later on.
2. We get rid of all sorts of pollution problems. (not even considering CO2 and any warming occuring)
Problem is it is so easy an inexpensive to keep on using Coal and Petroleum (for the moment). Coal will be easy for a long time. In some people's view it in the best interest of our country to bite the bullet now. Government has clearly has been a catalyst for innovation in the past (Conservatives and Republicans can now shudder in horror). I think Obama's group thinks we need to start, and the timing is actually good for various economic reasons
and politcal reasons.
I think this country has little will to see things through. Pain must be felt first. I believe this requires gas nees to go to 4-5 bucks a gallon again. And then further. Russia gets wealthy, Iran wont have social unrest because their economy is rolling, and we start "getting it" again.
Oh heck I can barely read this.
I did not make small newspaper long