Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
Jessica, The Constitution does not guarantee those rights during times of war. By the way, Padilla did have a lawyer. He may not have had access to a lawyer immediately, but he did get one. I don't think he waited anything close to 3 1/2 years to get one.
With regard to people being arrested that do obey the laws such as the guy you mentioned that was cleared by DNA, what does that have to do with President Bush? There have been plenty of innocent people that have been mistakenly arrested over the past 100 years. That has nothing to do with President Bush.
If you think the Patriot Act has taken away civil liberties, you can blame Congress. They wrote the Patriot Act. By the way, Congress does have the right to write laws. The Patriot Act was a bi-partisan piece of legislation. It passed by a vote of 450-0 or something like that. If you are against it, then you are pretty hopeless. Even the morons in congress to both the far-left and the far-right were in favor of it. It was absolutely necessary to pass that law.
With regard to the Iraq War, the author is right that the war has been incredibly expensive monetarily. He's right about that. The fact that it has been monetarily expensive does not necessarily mean that invading Iraq was a mistake. It may have been a mistake. I have serious questions about whether going to war with Iraq was a good idea or not. As of right now, it looks like it was a mistake.
You say that I am derogatory toward leftists. That is absolutely true if the leftist(in this case the author) has no regard for the truth and is intentinally trying to mislead readers with fasle statements and half-truths. the funny thing about the articles in commondreams is that they don't even attempt to be honest. They don't even try to give you the facts. they know they don't need to. They know who their audience is. They're just preaching to the choir. I don't like it when my intelligence is insulted like that by someone from the left or right. For example, my mom is very conservative and she will call me up and tell me something that is an obvious half-truth and I get annoyed. I don't care what someone's politics are. I just want them to be honest with me. I don't want half-truths or propaganda from either side.
Who has advocated attacking Saudi Arabia or Lebanon? Where did you come up with that?
With regards to why the terrorists hate us, they hate us for a number of reasons. The main thing they don't want to happen is for countries such as Iraq to be free like the United States. If there is freedom, then they can't force their religion on everyone. They want to force women to cover their faces. They want to force people to pray 5 times a day. They won't let you choose your religion. If you want to covert to Chritianity or any religion, you will be put to death.
There have certainly been negative consequences to our foreign policy but there have also been positive ones. Look at our relations with many of the countries in that region. Our relations are beter than ever with most Arab states. We have great relations with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Turkey, the new Iraqi government, Pakistan, Libya, etc.
Our relations are very poor with Iran but that has been the case for over 20 years. Our relations are not particularly good with Syria either.
In terms of our actions inflaming the masses in the Middle East, I would agree that that is true. But that's not totally our fault. Those people get nothing but propaganda over there and are not given the truth. The press constantly bashes us over there and intentionally misleads the masses.
I meant to deleate the part about the administration advocating attacking Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. I missed that. I don't know anything about that.
You said that people aren't arrested if they are obeying the law. Well, I found a ton of articles that say that the government has been arresting protesters unconstitutionally. Here are just a few...
Here are also some other articles on how people are starting to fight back. Even state attorney's are finding fault in the government and are starting to talk up about. The fact is that the government is infringing on our rights.
How do you beat these people...
Here are the articles about the two women who were arrested at Cedar Rapids...they were teachers...
Here is the Jose Padillo case...
He didn't do anything bad, he only was planning on detonating a "dirty bomb" in a major US city to try to kill a few-hundred thousand people.
This statement that you said earlier is very false. They have no evidence out that whatsoever as stated in the last link above.