Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-12-2006, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
Where do you come up with this stuff? You say that the governmnet has been aresting protesters unconstitutionally? I clicked on a couple of your articles. I read the first 2 articles. Nowhere in the artciles does it say anything about people being arrested unconstitutionally. Quite to the contrary, it says the opposite. It says they were breaking the law and they were told they would be arrested if they did not disperse.

You say that it is false that Padilla planned on detonating a dirty bomb? I'd like to see where you came up with that. There are tons of witnesses that have said he was planning to do that and I believe he even admitted it himself. Granted the plan was in the very early stages and he hadn't obtained radioactive materials yet. Just because he wasn't charged with this specific plot, that does not mean that there was no such plot. They have a ton of things that they are charging him with. He will probably receive multiple lfe sentences. They don't need to charge him with that specific plan. They would rather charge with things that are even easier to prove.

There have been serial killers that murdered 40 people. They aren't always charged with all 40 murders. If the police have their strongest evidence in 20 of the cases and the guy is only charged in those 20 cases, it hardly mean that he is innocent in the other 20. That's basically the case with Padilla. They have such strong evidence against him on multiple charges that they probably won't charge him specifically with the "dirty bomb" plot because it was in the early stages and it is a harder case to prove than the other charges that will be brought against him.
Where do I come up with this stuff? What kind of question is that? They are from the websites right in front of you. I find this stuff in all the popular magazines and news articles as the websites suggest...New York Times (Best one), USA Today,...etc. I would much rather read the news than watch it on TV, although I do both. I don't want to limit myself. Most are legitimate unbiased websites that argue both sides and present the facts. There is one on the Padilla case that is biased, but there is also truth in what they say.

If you read those articles carefully about the protesters Rupert, you would have noticed that the lawmakers set up those laws specifically against those protesters. They had protested a year before, so they made up some BS law, so that when they protested in the same spot the next year, they got arrested.

Also, what about the two women (you were schoolteachers) that were taken to jail, strip searched, and not charged? What about the people who were charged and the charges were dropped? Again, you are not acknowledging the facts that our government is infringing on citizen's constitutional rights. You are so biased to your opinion that you cannot see that.

About Padilla, it may just be a cover up as to why they didn't charge him with that. From reading all of the articles that I have, it does sound awfully suspicious. They are all just allegations anyway, although they are probably correct allegations. Nothing is set in stone yet. I have not seen any evidence about exactly what he was doing and how he was found to be plotting a dirty bomb. If you can find some concrete evidence that he to the contrary, please post it.

I don't agree with abrupt radical change, but I would at least like the government to follow the U.S. Constitution. That is all I want. Follow the U.S. Constitution. If they aren't following the U.S. Constitution in every aspect, then they are infringing on citizen's rights. I guess that asking the Bush administration and Congress to follow the great U.S. Constitution, the very thing that defines us as a country, is just too much...The government is changing way too many things.

Miami Herald
"Those charges do not mention the ''dirty bomb'' allegations and one of them -- that Padilla and his codefendants conspired to ``murder, kidnap and maim persons in a foreign country''-- was thrown out in August by Cooke because it duplicated allegations made in other charges."

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-12-2006 at 10:12 PM.
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