Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Ummm ... Pillow ... or should I call you Mr. Pants? ... do you remember the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hound Of The Baskervilles" ... where the solution hinged on a dog that didn't bark?
Well ... what we've had for the past five years ... are terrorists who couldn't strike. They want to ... they really want to murder all of us ... but they haven't ... because they've been stopped.
Has the Bush administration done an excellent job of stopping terrorism?
No ... they've done a PERFECT job ... zero terrorist attacks on Americans ... for five years ... and counting. Is it possible to do better than that?
The problem BB isn't on the home front, the problem is that we've gained little abroad. I agree that we've opened a very large can of whoop-as-s on Al Queda and greatly reduced their ability to carry out covert operations in America but back to my statements about evil....while we are making their lives a living hell, we are doing little to address the recruitment of new terrorists. There has to be a game plan and it has to be long term and public! We must demand greater freedom for the disadvantaged folks of the region...once they start to have a little hope and see that it was the US who went public and tightened the screws on their leaders, it will be harder to convince them that blowing up schools or crashing planes will make their peoples' lives better. The terrorists of today must be destroyed...not compromised with or reasoned with...destroyed! But at the same time, we must stop the influx of young hopeless folks into their ranks...you don't do that by occupying Iraq or laying in bed with certain Arab despots!