Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Aldeb came out fine, scoped clean, didnt sweat much as Steve mentioned which is unusual because she has never had any trouble sweating before. She simply didn't handle the surface and we will return her to the grass. Tim said she was fighting him and the track throughout and mentioned that she felt much smoother on the turf. One observation about the poly is that so many horses that handlke it fine in the am dont in the pm which has got me twice this meet. But she should at least gain a little experience from being in behind horses getting around two turns.
Kickin was very game and we were all proud of her. As Benny said she can be mental (she was trying to be bad in the winners circle and was terrible in the test barn when the lady vet was trying to draw blood) but when she sets her mind to running she can be pretty tough at the lower levels. Good time was had by all as usual.
time for some guiness? she didn't look comfortable at all from what i saw-i wasn't sure if it was the surface or all the time spent hemmed in on the rail.
i enjoyed watching kickin run yesterday-she was 'on' for sure. congrats to the team.