09-13-2006, 11:27 PM
Atlantic City Race Course
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Chambersburg, Pa
Posts: 4,635
Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I hesitate to tell you this ... because you're not gonna believe it but ...
... there are no "poor" people in the United States today ... excepting a small percentage of the small percentage who have disabling physical or mental handicaps.
No one is poor who has indoor plumbing, sanitary water, electricity, wholesome food, adequate shelter, warm clothing, access to impartial justice, access to advanced medical care, access to education, access to libraries, police protection, fire protection, and the right to vote ... all of which virtually 100% of Americans have.
Not to mention such luxuries as refrigerators, radios, telephones, and televisions which nearly all Americans have ... and bicycles, automobiles, and computers which overwhelming percentages have. Over 70% ... and rising ... of all Americans own the dwelling unit in which they live ... something unprecedented in human history.
You may know where there's an "other" America ... but it doesn't currently exist on the North American continent.
Don't get out much do you? Ever notice the people sleeping in boxes on the street or the ones who crash in empty buildings to stay warm? They aren't all drug addicts! Ever traveled much in rural West Virginia and the other Appalachian states...get off the highways and hit the dirt roads, you'll find folks living in shacks with no electric or heat except from the wood stove in the corner. Vote? Many can't read or write...vote for what? Check out the subways, the large city sewer systems...you'll be surprised what you'll find...there are people living there and they have nothing, zero, zip, nada aside from the clothes on their back and a few things they can carry...sorry my man, your emperor has no clothes!
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"