Originally Posted by somerfrost
Don't get out much do you? Ever notice the people sleeping in boxes on the street or the ones who crash in empty buildings to stay warm? They aren't all drug addicts! Ever traveled much in rural West Virginia and the other Appalachian states...get off the highways and hit the dirt roads, you'll find folks living in shacks with no electric or heat except from the wood stove in the corner. Vote? Many can't read or write...vote for what? Check out the subways, the large city sewer systems...you'll be surprised what you'll find...there are people living there and they have nothing, zero, zip, nada aside from the clothes on their back and a few things they can carry...sorry my man, your emperor has no clothes!
My opinion is somewhere in the middle. I think that there are jobs for anyone that wants to work. I see signs all over town saying "Now Hiring" and "Help Wanted" and that type of thing. Granted many of these jobs are not great jobs. Many of them only pay $8.00 and $9.00 an hour. For someone to really support themselves on that kind of income, they really need two jobs if they live in an expensive city like Los Angeles. I know a guy who is a doorman at a high-rise condominium. He makes about $9 an hour. He has another job too. I think his other job is as a security guard or something like that. This guy is not the brightest guy in the world. He's not really capable of having a better job. Anyway, he works 80 hours a week. I guess between the two jobs he makes about $35,000 a year. This guy is around 50 years old. He doesn't have a college education. He works a lot of hours and he doesn't make much money but he doesn't have it so bad. He rents an apartment, he has a car, he has a television, he has a VCR, he goes on a little vacation every year. This is a guy whose IQ is probably 90 and he is not well educated. Yet his standard of living is still probably higher than 90% of the people in the world. I think he even has a cell phone.
Anyway, the point is that there are plenty of jobs out there for people that want to work. They may not be great jobs but an $8 an hour job is better than nothing.