09-14-2006, 03:12 PM
Havre de Grace
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Powder Springs Ga
Posts: 5,780
Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
Let me ask you a question. Government investigations found that the oil companies were not doing anything wrong in regards to gas prices. Have you noticed that gas prices are going down in your area right now? Now, has any major thing happened as to why gas prices have been going down? I know that they found the new oil reserve in Texas, but that won't be operatable for many years. I know the real reason that gas prices are going down. It is all common sense. Elections are coming up in November. The government is playing with us. I guarantee that gas prices will go back up right after the elections are over with. When the gas prices do go back up after the elections, there will be your proof that the government is playing and toying with it's citizens in certain aspects.
Thankyou BB! I have proof! So I REALLY was right! I have found the proof that I needed from townhall.com that tells us that the goverment is playing with it's citizens. Try ignoring this are arguing that it is just a mere coincidence that this would be brought up in a Republican website! Thank you so much for allowing me to broaden my horizens!
"Look for the dominant issues leading up to the November election to be the war, taxes, education and the economy. No one at the White House wants to say it publicly, but gas prices continue to fall, and the president might wonder why, when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was on the front page, but now that prices have dropped 80 cents or more in some places, one doesn't see as much attention given to it."
KR: I'm sorry, but that paragraph doesn't prove a thing...much less the Administrations' playing the public!