Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-14-2006, 04:32 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
Del Mar
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
US foreign policy has a direct impact on worldwide crude prices. Come on Rupert- you know this. What has impacted oil prices more than anything is the situation in Lebanon for better or worse. As tensions rose, prices went up. As they were quelled, prices went down.

Of course, we have to factor in seasonal adjustments as well. Oil prices always rise in the summer.
I don't think I would agree that US foreign policy has a direct impact on oil prices. I think it can have more of an indirect effect.

I guess if we did something extreme it could have a big effect. If we decided to go to war with Iran tomorow, the price of oil would obviously go way up.
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