Originally Posted by Antitrust32
I'm busting out of retirement for this..
Are you kidding me?!?! That 3 bill better spent would just be wasted in some stupid govnt program that nobody would see a penny of. This money is ACTUALLY GOING INTO TAXPAYERS POCKETS! its unreal. I never thought I'd have a chance at 4500 of govnt cash.. QUOTE]
so we took 3 billion out of one pocket and put it into the other and we feel good? This isn't government cash there is no such thing. It is our cash! And to think dealers didn't take a part of each $4,500 rebate with higher costs is naive. The spare parts, frame and everything but the engine went to scrap yards and will be parted out and then salvaged. We see none of that money so in realty we get back approximately $3,000 of the $4,500. Now let's spend some money shoreing up the boarders and getting illegals back home and then look at the savings we'll see
come on man... the 3 bil was coming out of our pocket NO MATTER WHAT. At least we have the OPPORTUNITY to put it in the other pocket.. cant say that about 99.99999999999% of other govnt spending.
there are tons of things where the money is better off not spent. Unfortunatly it doesnt matter what we think cause the money is going to be spent. At least its not being spent on something we will never see. We can actually benefit from this.
This is the best thing Obama has done along with the stem cell research..
lets cut a really crappy program and use that money to shoreing up boarders. There are probably a few trillion programs out there that would be better to complain about than this one. 3 bill is like 5 cents to Obama.