Originally Posted by hi_im_god
good post. the whole reason saddam kept weapons inspector's at arms length pre-war was to keep up the facade that he might have a secret counter weight to the persians. he assumed we knew this. bad move.
we decide to kick the anthill because jesus and dick cheney said it was a good idea.
nukes will be everywhere in 30 years. same with icbm's. i don't think there is anything anyone can do at this point. i hope to have a few myself. that way i'll feel safe.
we knew he had some stuff, since we gave it to him back when they were fighting iran-that was all part of the 'enemy of our enemy is our friend' methodology to foreign affairs. but maybe he sold it to syria, other than whatever he used to kill his kurds in the north...at any rate, the iraq invasion and ensuing mess absolutely was a mistake. had that not been attempted, we'd have most likely been done in afganistan by now, since we could have just concentrated on that area.
instead, years later, two wars still in progress-and most likely the #1 cause for all our problems.