Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Who...pray tell, is doing the estimating here? btw....it looks like you're demonizing the insurance companies too,huh?
i can understand why people demonize them. altho some might disagree on the current approaches to reforming health care, it definitely does need reforming. whether from inside or outside forces, the need is definitely there. a start would be tort reform-how many doctors call for how many unnecessary tests, and send patients to how many unnecessary specialists just to cover their butts from any potential suits? they might feel there's really nothing there, but just to make sure.....
hell, i have a bad back. every once in a while i suffer a strain. i also have back spasms on occasion. that's life. doctor suggested an MRI- i didn't bother. but how many people would because one, they have insurance, and two, they can't accept that it's a muscle thing, and an aging thing. i've lost 20 pounds, that seems to have helped. i also always pay attention to how i bend and lift and put inserts in my shoes since hard flooring seems to have an effect on my back as well. i saved my ins. co. 1500 in unnecessary charges as well as my co-pay.