Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:30 PM
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kentuckyrosesinmay kentuckyrosesinmay is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Experience ... by definition ... is something which can only be acquired with time ... it's not something which can be manufactured or willed.

Don't feel bad that most people here are older than you are ... because some day you'll be the old one ... and more in a position to understand what experience really is.

We were all once as young as you are ... but you've never been as old as we are.
Well, some people grow up faster than others do because they have to. Just because I don't supposedly have any "real world experience" according to you all, doesn't mean that I'm not smarter and wiser than some of the people who are older than me. Experience is all what you do with it. For example...I had a friend who had ridden a lot longer than me yet I beat her every time in the big EQ classes. She couldn't figure out how in the world that I was beating her when she had ridden twice as long as me. Well, even though she thought that she had more experience than me, she really didn't. She had only been riding one horse a day, whereas I had been riding four and five. It took me half the time to become a professional trainer than it does most people. By the time I was seventeen, I had clients. Of course, I was lucky. I had a great teacher who saw the potential and determination, took me under her wing, and got me started. Of course, I have had to let off of it because of my college work and other jobs. Boy, do I miss it, but I will rise back to the top one of these days.

I don't get the "real world" experience remarks anyway when it comes to matters such as politics. It's what you know, and how you use what you know...not how old you are or how much experience you have.

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-15-2006 at 09:51 PM.
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