Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-15-2006, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
Jessica, I hope you don't think that I "attacked" you. I did say that the Patriot Act is a non-partsian law that is recognized by lawmakers in both party as essential. It passed the Senate the first time by a vote of 98-1 or something like that. It passed the Senate the 2nd time by a vote of 89-11. I assume you know that the Senate has around 52 republicans and 48 democrats or something like that. So practically everyone in both parties in the Senate agree that the Patriot Act is absoluletly necessary. I was saying that if you don't think the Patriot Act is necessary, then I give up, you are "hopeless".

I wouldn't really call hat a persoanl attack. If someone said they don't think Bernardini is a good horse, I would say the person is pretty "hopeless". That's not really a personal attack. That would be a fact. If someone thinks that Bernardini is not a good horse, that person is beyond help.
No, Rupert, I don't think that you attacked me because I think that the Patriot Act was absolutely necessary. However, I do think that some are taking that act a little too far, although I don't know for sure. Almost everything is just speculation and opinion about everything going on in the government right now.

Also, I think that you may have used the word 'hopeless' out of context in this instance. It is set in stone that Bernardini is a good horse because we have all physically seen him and just what he does. However, we cannot possibly see for a fact everything that is going on in the government right now and what is right or wrong, and if they are abusing powers or not. Like I said earlier, everything is opinion and speculation. Nothing is set in stone. The history books won't be finished for many years on what is going on right now in this current government, because it is very complicated. History could totally rewrite itself. Who knows, it could all be some huge conspiracy theory!? Now, I don't think that this is the case, but none of us who aren't in the government don't know for an absolute fact, do we?
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