Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-16-2006, 11:21 AM
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kentuckyrosesinmay kentuckyrosesinmay is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig188
just keep in mind that many people have stories they could tell, a lot of people have things rough. and of course it's how you handle any tough luck that comes your way that decides the type of person you become. so, you may have had some tough stuff to deal with. you may be surprised how many others could say the same. and believe me, living life will change you, will alter your beliefs.
my daughter has made the comment before that she wished she knew as much as me. i told her that would never happen. she's 22 years behind me, she'll never catch up! lol she learns more every day, but i do too!
Right Danzig, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Living life has already made me alter many of my beliefs, and I know that while some people haven't had it as tough as I have had especially to be as young as I am, some people have had it a lot tougher than me.

Yeah, I agree with that last part as well, unless your daughter is a Ken Jennings and has an incredibly higher IQ than you do! LOL! For most people, when relating to their children, I'm sure they could say that because they usually pass on the same amount of intelligence to them. However, you couldn't say that someone such as John Nash, or James Watson, or Rosalind Franklin couldn't catch up to you in they were 22 years least, not in certain subject areas.

My sister leaves for boot camp for the navy on Monday. I'm really going to miss her. She is like me. One of the reason that she is going into an intelligence position in the U.S. Navy is that she wants to know what is going on inside the U.S. government. In other words, she wants to see if the people are being screwed or not. She also wants to see the world, and there are some real benefits from going into the service. She'll do fine because she is very tough. If I wasn't engaged, didn't have rheumatoid arthritis, and didn't have severe sciatic nerve damage (I don't even have reflexes in my left leg!), I might have joined with her. I don't even know if they would accept me, and I don't think that I could ever make it through boot camp. The only physical activities that I can really engage in are running and riding horses. When I get thrown from a horse, it takes a week before I can ride again because I hurt so bad. Luckily, I don't get thrown very often. Knock on wood...LOL

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-16-2006 at 01:02 PM.
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