Originally Posted by oracle80
I played two on ESPN where we used to be. One the first one, and am faring pretty badly in this years version. Thats batting .500 I guess.
I'm trying to figure out tickets that will actually be played. And if you were on the old board you would know my thoughts and feelings about winner picking contests. They are usless as far as i am concerned. I like things like tri's, exactas, pik-3's and pk-4's. Rarely if ever will make a win, place bet on a horse. The only two I particpated on at ESPN involved having a set bankroll and being able to play the races in whatever style you wanted, not just win place.
Everyone who knows me from the old board knows I don't do winner picking contests.
I understand not playing in the daily ones but there is a big one here that has like 35 people in it. I guess losing it would hurt your ego. My goal is to just avoid last place.