Originally Posted by blackthroatedwind
It seems people have either forgotten, or don't even know, that fast horses ( like Indian Charlie ) used to race with some regularity. They weren't as big a deal then because there were a plethora of fast horses around. Now, when one or two surface, they are hailed as great prematurely ( or inaccurately ).
Ahh, the pardoxes of the FAST crowd.
Let me get this straight: in an era where human athletes are performing at an all time best, equine athletes are not? Of course, the latter are certainly getting their share of 'medicinal' advantages. Why is that I wonder? The accepted position seems to be that horses are no longer bred for stamina (and are certainly much more fragile). Let's buy that and then wonder why SPRINTERS of the present era are not as fast, or faster, than those of prior ones. I've made this assumption based on your comments, as I don't look at figures.
Can you elaborate?