Originally Posted by MISTERGEE
Hope you see this. The analysis of the Fountain of Youth Stakes on atr led to a riight on prediction. The negativity on Levines horse was just as important as the actual selections thanks for leading me in the right direction on that one. But please tell me this what led you to pick Stonehouse on top yesterday, a fanastic payoff in a short field but I would never have figured that out and I love longshots. I would love to hear about that one.
Thanks for the note! Glad you benefited from the ATR conversation(s) and opinions. Anyone who listens regularly has cashed tickets with the kind of info
Mike Welsch, Jay Privman, Rick Hammerle, Brad Free, et al, deliver on the Friday Preview Show (or any time guys like them visit)...
- Jay told people Pulsion was short based on his interview with Biancone for the DRF Weekend feature...
- Welsch told people Pletcher warned him Discreetly Mine would be on the DRF Derby Watch after Saturday...
- Everyone seemed to agree to stay away from Buddy's Saint, and I tried to indicate that horses like Lost Aptitude are terrible plays in spots like Saturday. (Something Andy Serling taught me several years ago.)
I thought the FOY was much clearer to read, with Eskenderaya and Jackson Bend standing out and Aikenite the most glaring price opportunity, than the other two major preps. Was good to be right in that spot and get better value than anticipated with Buddy's Saint so overbet. 4-1 on Eskenderaya was unbelievable.
As for Stonehouse, he jumped off the page as a horse sitting on big effort at a track and distance where he's put up his best races; was sure to get an ideal stalking trip behind the potentially dueling favorites; got 5-6 pounds from the top choices; was certain to be overlaid in the short field. In essence, in what looked like an unbettable race, he was at 12-1 or more what you wanted in the P3, as a win bet, or exotic key. Have to admit that my reaction while watching the race in the tiny Gulfstream 'press box' was inappropriate.