Originally Posted by randallscott35
I have no idea why you continue to defend Tiger. It is more than cheating. Some of these women were prostitutes. There were dozens of them. Meanwhile he tries to sell a wholesome image. No thanks.
What he did was incredibly wrong. I'm not defending him, but I do believe he is truly sick and needs help. I did a lot of stupid, sh*tty and very hurtful things to people I loved dearly before I sobered up. Am I saying Tiger is a sex addict? Not my place to judge. But he sure has displayed classic signs of one. Like I said in the other thread, anyone that thinks they can judge Tiger and say that he isn't a sex addict, well, they are just foolish and arrogant. Unless people are inside his brain and understand his thinking and his thought processs when it comes to this behavior, they really have no clue as to what they are discussing. It just makes some people feel better or morally superior to just flippantly judge others based on addictive behavior, all the while dismissing them as not really being an addict.
I got news for you Rand, addicts do not think like non-addicts.