Bay filly for Sumwonlovesyou!
Sumwonloves delivered a bay PA bred filly by Purim early this morning. Details below from Dawn Newman at Fox Tale. Pictures to follow...
Sumwonlovesyou foaled a beautiful bay filly this am around 1:15. Dam & filly are the picture of health. Filly is nice and correct, with a long length of hip, pretty head and "elf" ears, which almost touch at their tips. She is really such a wonderful mom, possessing all of the amazing maternal instincts that most foaling barns hope & pray for in a maiden mare, heck, in any mare!
It was a relatively easy delivery for her, labor only lasting about 20 minutes. Sumwon stood up about 25 mins after she foaled, immediately expelled her placenta and turned around to start licking and nickering to the alert filly. She was very accepting to all of the fuss with cleaning up of her stall, re-bedding, and was curious but patient with the human involvement of her filly (stimulating rubs, navel dipping and enema etc.).
About 45 minutes later, the filly made her first attempt at standing and was successful. Once she had possession of her "sea legs", she immediately searched and found the "spigot". SWLY was very helpful, nuzzling her in the correct direction, licking all of the proper stimulus areas on the foal, positioning her body into a "C" and cradling the foal around with her neck. She even lifted her hind leg, for the foal to have better access. I am still amazed by all of these maternal instincts, each and every time I witness them!
I watched the foal latch on and take a good long drink. After some more licking, SWLY stood very patiently for the foal to finish. I watched them repeat this process a few more times, with the filly "training" in her stall in between drinks! She is fast, leaping forward and galloping a few steps and stopping, shaking her head and snorting! This is unusual to see at only about 1 hr old, in fact, as I am writing this, the filly still has not laid back down... she has been up and running for over 1 1/2 hrs. If she does not lay down soon on her own, I will step in and lay her down. Tomorrow, she will have a plasma infusion. As I am concluding this, both mare and filly have laid down together and are resting!
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans
Last edited by Kasept : 04-22-2010 at 07:20 AM.