Originally Posted by joeydb
Guess what? The momentum is not anti-incumbent. It's anti-liberal, anti-taxes, anti-debt. The Dems are going to get pounded. Not 2-3 freshman seats. Big losses. You can bet on it.
i wasn't suggesting a 2-3 seat loss overall. that would be a liberal wet dream on par with your conservative wet dream. i was talking about 2-3 freshman seats in competitive districts where dems got elected on obama's coattail that'll probably go republican as a result of a vote cast in favor of healthcare. my point was that healthcare will be a non-issue outside of that small impact.
and so far as your take on the country's mood, what can i say? from your mouth to the republican congressional campaign committee's ear. i couldn't possibly hope for anything more.
they, unfortunately, probably noticed the pennsylvania special election tuesday where a dem was again elected in john murtha's anti-abortion, pro-gun district. the one that voted for john mccain in 2008.
if you live in a vacuum only getting news from sources that reinforce your opinion, you'll believe all the echoes must be reality. i won't try to convince you otherwise.
the election will be whatever it is. but your certainty over a result that's still almost 6 months off as well as the detailed reasons for that "red tsunami" is the kind of arrogance that costs seats.