Thread: Rand Paul
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Old 05-26-2010, 09:03 PM
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Default Rand Paul

I'm actually starting to feel very sorry for the guy. I listened to his NPR interview, and watched a replay of his Maddow. He's articulate, he's thoughtful, he knows where his head is at. He's a Libertarian, for goodness sake, he's got his philosophies, and Lib philosophy mixed with real life is difficult. This happens every time (Barry Goldwater .... )

The GOP has trashed him, the Dems have trashed him, but now this ...

Kentucky Libertarians May Field New Candidate: Rand Paul Betrayed Our Values
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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