I'd hardly have called Paul dumb and loud (if that's what you were referring to, I can't tell). He was thoughtful and stuck to his ideals. He clearly was in deep philosophical Libertarian territory.
Unfortunately, that enabled alot of mud to be flung his way, alot of it unfair in my viewpoint (as I saw/heard what he actually said). I put the problem to be with some of the practical side effects of adhering to a strict Libertarian viewpoint in real life - it simply sometimes can't work.
I think this (the "Libs abandon Paul" threat) goes more to the general upheaval within the political structure of this country.
There are many fractures on the "far right", out in tea bagger land, this is just one more.
This, and JD Hayworth today having a typo
misspelling McCain's name in a press release his office put out
refuting McCain's claim that JD is dumb
(you can't make this stuff up, politics, you gotta love it
