Thread: World Cup 2010
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Old 06-28-2010, 09:01 AM
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slotdirt slotdirt is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Michael Bradley was the problem? Please, he was probably one of the two or three best players in the pitch throughout the US's run through the tournament. That's just poppycock.

Howard stunk the other day. The biggest problem was finishing. The even bigger problem was the dirty whore who was wearing a Ghana shirt and activiely cheering against the USA at the bar where I watched the game. If she were a dude (which she might have been, that is debatable), I might have done more than heckle her.
The world's foremost expert on virtually everything on the Redskins 2010 season: "Im going to go out on a limb here. I say they make the playoffs."
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