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Old 08-03-2010, 10:30 AM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by SuffolkGirl View Post
Tom, do you know if they have a "right of first refusal' clause, or something like that? if the adopting family cannot or will not keep her any longer can she go back to the PA adoption group? I would like to keep track of her, if possible and if the timing works out, perhaps bring her to my barn and keep her as a hunter/pleasure mount, perhaps jumper if she showed any ability.
I don't know specific to the Philly program, but I know that their program is now the model on how to do it, as IL just instituted the same like program, just financed it differently.

The great thing about this program is that it essentially funds itsself. A losing horse at Philly get $150 if finish 6th on, jock mount fee is the same across the board of $100, and $10 is AUTOMATICALLY deducted to go to the retirement program. Every starter essentially donates $10 of money that they haven't even touched. It is all handled by the horseman's bookkeeper. It essentially means that about 4-5k every racing week is donated to the program, thats alot of feed and care for retired horses.

As Chuck said, they have a waiting list a mile long of people that want to adapt A SOUND horse. The issue really comes when you are asking someone to adapt a cripple.

I do not know anyone at the PA program, but I am guessing someone can talk to the PA people and find out where she is going and maybe a specific person can be an 'point' person on her, instead of having a bunch of people asking the same questions.
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