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Old 08-04-2010, 07:30 PM
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Thunder Gulch Thunder Gulch is offline
Churchill Downs
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Southland Greyhound Park
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Originally Posted by DaTruth View Post
But she dances before her races. Old ladies, little kids, and even some grown men blow kisses at her in the paddock. 100 people showed up at Hot Springs International Airport when she arrived there in April. That has to count for something. She is a fan favorite, and the Mosses have done all they can to expose her to as many fans as possible.*

*At least those who happen to be SoCal.
That's part of the point. The Mosses haven't tried to expose her to anyone outside of her loyal Californians. Its great for the crowd at Delmar Saturday, and its another wasted pointless effort for the sport. She could be so much more by entertaining fans around the country, but they refuse to take any chances with her perfect record. Would anyone outside of the old ladies in the paddock really rather see her face this bunch instead of having a showdown with Quality Road or Blame...I know, still banking on that one race in a few months. Meanwhile the good horses around the country are facing each other.
Do I think Charity can win? Well, I am walking around in yesterday's suit.
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