Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
What is so silly is that many of you keep making the same silly arguments that you were making last year. You all thought that she wasn't anything special because she wasn't beating much and she wasn't winning by big margins. You all thought she had little or no chance in the BC Classic.
After she stepped up and won the BC Classic, I would have thought that that would be enough for you to realize that you were wrong and that her winning margins and her level of competition are pretty much meaningless. Her win in the BC Classic proved that there's more in the tank than she's showing. And yet here you go again making this same argument that she must not be that good because she's beating mediocre competition by small margins. I just don't get it. The BC Classic proved that that argument is wrong and yet you guys still make that same argument.
I'm not saying that she's the greatest horse ever. I'm simply saying that you can't measure her based on these races because she is clearly capable of doing more as she proved in the BC Classic.
Holy crap, how do you people still not understand this?
We don't think she sucks. We think she's awesome, which is what makes her campaign even more disappointing and infuriating. She's not being allowed to prove herself and her greatness. One challenging race a year isn't acceptable for a supposed all-time great. We get sick of hearing about her incredible accomplishments when she's not doing anything historically significant except extending a winning streak that no one with a brain cares about. If she's capable of more, they should show it. She's going to go down in the history books as the biggest 'what if' horse whose career wasn't ended early.
This straw man argument about how anyone who isn't satisfied with these monotonous life-and-death victories over claimers automatically must think she's awful, it has to go. She's a beast, and she deserves applause. But stop telling me how legendary she is, when she's never allowed to prove it against top competition.