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Old 08-09-2010, 11:19 AM
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cabvmd cabvmd is offline
Morris Park
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: NJ
Posts: 133

Glad KNS is getting a good home.

I would take her myself, but I am saving the space in my barn for Rampillion if it is OK with the rest of the DeeTee'ers. I only saw KNS once in Arlington and was not part of that package. I bought in with Rampillion and Aldeb. package for my Dad's 80th BD.

Rapillion had the month of rest and she won again on July 25. I have been in touch with the owner and he is a very nice gentleman and really likes horses so he was glad to know she would have a new home when he stopped racing her.

Thanks to Barb Luna for the good work with all the PA Park horses and helping us take care of KNS. I got my Re-run horse Silver Over Finish through Barb when she was with NJ ReRun. She is the best!!!!
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