Originally Posted by ateamstupid
You just can't stand it when anybody else is right about pace except you.
If you've ever read what I've said about QR, I'm actually not a big fan, so the joke's on you.
Really? But since I've been just about his biggest detractor on this board, don't I get any credit? Notice how I picked out all the people who disagreed with me and let them know it. Notice how many posted about me being correct.
I don't think that too many agreed with your 'slow pace' theory before the race. But, that's the way it played out and we'll give you credit for it. At least you felt the need to come back and take the credit. However, as was pointed out above, the winner came into Big Drama at the start causing him to veer inward and bump the horse to his inside, which caused a bit of a chain reaction with the other inside horses. The end result being that BD didn't come out as clean/fast as he'd have otherwise. So, we'll never know what really happens if BD gets a clean break. Maybe the pace isn't that slow. Maybe the race shakes out differently then.
This is like having to repeatedly hear about Vail of York in the BC. Arguably the most perfect trip in the history of the BC and we still hear about it.
Of course, racing luck plays a huge part in the results and any notion of 'correct' depends on it to some extent.