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Old 08-09-2010, 06:19 PM
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the_fat_man the_fat_man is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
If Coa wanted the lead, he could've had it. He didn't want it. Even if Big Drama broke a length slow, the horse is still plenty capable of running a faster first quarter than Majesticperfection did.

As for 'taking credit,' it's kinda hard to resist after watching you, yet again, complain about the jockeys whenever you're wrong about something.
I 'complained' because the early fractions of a relatively major stake race were the SLOWEST of 4 other sprints that day -- 2 of which were 2 year old maiden races, one at 6.5F. I 'complained' because of all of the hype concerning the FASTEST horse in the country sprinting, and then we get that early pace. I then also took the time to take a look at the replay and gain some 'understanding' as to WHY Coa didn't go early. Clearly, there's a distinction between INTENTIONALLY not going early in a knowingly SLOW pace, which is, apparently, your contention, and, not going early because you were compromised at the start and doing so would mean rushing more than you want to.

I blame jocks a lot. So do others. So, in fact, do you. (I won't bother to provide the evidence.) I do, however, acknowledge when there were circumstances that compromised a jock's ride and impacted upon the shape of the race. I have to because my plays depend on objectively interpreting information.

You on the other hand are 'right' irrespective of the events. Doesn't have anything to do about luck.
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