Thread: Remind Me Again
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Old 08-19-2010, 08:40 PM
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Default Remind Me Again

Why Obama is the next FDR when he looks like the next Herbert Hoover. Trillions down the ****ing drain in the last year and half and unemployment goes in the wrong direction. Government never more bloated. Opportunity never worse. Jobless claims rising again. Hope diminished on so many levels....I don't want to hear about how bad Bush was anymore. Obama is simply not doing the job he signed on to do. There was no change. He kept many of the same econ geniuses in place who didin't see dick wrong in the process. He is one person I get it. But he steers the big ship and it is now on his watch. I'm so tired of seeing kick the can down the road politics. Instead of coming straight with the American people, basically admitting we are bankrupt as a society and that the next X number of years is going to be ass painful he has done the opposite. Guess what, America hates being lied to when they see every day their standard of living going down the ****ing tubes. This isn't a Republican talking, this is an American talking, seeing the same ole same ole.
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