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Old 09-22-2010, 10:52 AM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS View Post
Ok, lets go one by one.

Who the hell cares?

A traffic violation - a $1,200 fine - and 40 hours of community service. Again - who cares?

That was the year he missed 3 games with a hamstring injury - he was "questionable" on the injury report coming into that game - and made a few big catches despite running around like a wounded animal.

Had they somehow recovered the onside kick without the final two seconds running off of the clock - which they didn't. he would have still needed to limp back out on the field and runs 65 yards into the endzone for a last second hail mary try. This is the dumbest one of them all. He almost single handedly won them a road playoff game later that season.

What was the crime here other than offending Joe Buck? He didn't even get flagged for it. The ref laughed.

Weed? So what?

Lack of effort with Oakland? He missed 3 games in Oakland .. here's a recap

* 20-0 home loss to the Rams

* 20-9 home loss to the Chiefs -

* 23-3 road loss to the Jets

No TD's in those 3 games - and they averaged 4 points a game. But yeah, if only he "tried" more ... Oakland would have been so much better. At least Minny managed a 22-21 come from behind home win against the Hapless Lions in one of the 3 games Moss missed with injury there. His teams are 1-5 in the six games he's missed.

Not sure how a finger injury amounts to dating violence? Again, who cares?

It's all much ado about nothing.
You obviously haven't read the entire thread. How about you start there and then understand why I posted what I did.
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