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Old 10-12-2010, 05:53 PM
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Cannon Shell Cannon Shell is offline
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Originally Posted by randallscott35 View Post
Complete nonsense. Has anyone done less with more in history? He was in the playoffs every year it seems and had an exit every year. 1 championship? Horrendous. Similar to the Mets underachievement during the 80's.
You make some seriously uninformed statements (I could say stupid but I am being nice) but this one is close to the top.

"He was in the playoffs every year" is now an underachievement? They won 15 straight division titles. There are 32 teams in baseball. What are the odds that another team wins 15 in a row ever?

How many position players that played for Bobby Cox all those years are headed for the Hall of Fame?


He has had some really good players but the idea that most years the Braves were overloaded with talent outside of Maddux, Glavine and Smoltz is mistaken. He was usually saddled with bullpens bought on the cheap and often made the playoffs with 2 or sometimes 3 players who were below average players in the starting line up.
Robert Fick, Keith Lockhart, Eddie Perez, Rico Brogna, Quilvio Veras, Walt Weiss, Gerald Williams, Michael Tucker, Tony Graffinino, Mark Lemke, etc were all starters at some point during the 15 straight seasons.
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