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Old 02-09-2011, 09:50 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,626

Originally Posted by Riot View Post
I imagine they will send a bunch of illegal aliens to your house, rough you up, and make poor you pay for it all by yourself.

That rail system will produce tangible jobs, especially for steelworkers. Kudo's to the Dems for keeping their eye on what's important. Meanwhile, the Republicans have canceled work one week out of three.
Shouldn't you rephrase it that the Democrats will send a bunch of illegals to my house to try and rough me up? Aren't the Democrats the one's wanting amnesty for the illegals? The last time I looked Obama was a Democrat. Once again you have tried to prove that you know it all.

This is a great Aerosmith song that fits you perfectly./
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