Originally Posted by RolloTomasi
If he has all that going for him, then why the hell is he a "complete wild card"?
Le Prince in the 1990 Travers. That would have been a complete wild card.
To me, as I explained earlier, a "wild card" is a horse whose talent level isn't was well established as many of his opponents. Santiva was not fast enough to compete with the likes of Uncle Mo, The Factor, etc. as a juvenile. In his only race this year, he ran well and earned a much higher fig than anything he had produced last year. He will have one more race before the Derby, and that race will be over synthetic- meaning it won't tell me all I would like to know about his form or talent level. Thus, at least as far as I am concerned, there will be a big question mark next to his name.
So I called him a wild card.