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Old 04-04-2011, 02:18 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
So what this is saying is that those of us still working will continue to pay for the Medicare for the older folks, but when we turn 65, won't get anything ourselves?

Wow. I wasn't aware I was so selfless.
Don't worry - the Republicans are making sure that the insurance companies will get new business from this!

April 4, 2011, 8:21 am
Paul Krugman- NYT
Privatizing Medicare

So they’re really going to propose it.

More when we have some details. But two key points:

1. Privatizing and voucherizing Medicare does nothing whatsoever to control costs. We’ve seen that from the sorry history of Medicare Advantage. I’m sure that the Republicans will claim savings — but those savings will come entirely from limiting the vouchers to below the rate of rise in health care costs; in effect, they will come from denying medical care to those who can’t afford to top up their premiums.

Oh, and for all those older Americans who voted GOP last year because those nasty Democrats were going to cut Medicare, I have just one word: suckers!
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