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Old 04-06-2011, 07:56 AM
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Mike Mike is offline
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I didn't take no offense, it simply made me think. It's hard to get a feel for what people are really like on the 'net, and I think our imaginations (mine, anyways) fills in the blanks with soem stereotypes and generalizations

I know I initially had some notions of what Coachpants was, only to find out otherwise thru a private message from another DT'er.

I'm very liberal on this board, but I do favor capital punishment, and there are a few other areas that are at odds with liberals (though it didn't show up in my ten options here)

Recently, I started to wonder if I was becoming a war hawk, wanting CIA and/or military intervention in Egypt and Libya.

I dropped out of the politics forum a few years back, feeling outgunned by the social conservatism

Someone mentioned that this is a horse racing board, thus a foolish place to discuss politics, but this is a site I frequent, and consists of a mix of people that are not all like-minded (I could go to Huffington Post's forums and soothe my mind with comments agreeable to me), and I think it is important to try to talk with those we don't necessarily agree with

My poll is a bit too simple, and some of the options could be phrased differently to be clearer
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