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Old 04-11-2011, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
In a century and 11 years SS is one of the few things we've done right?
Yes, Dell, it's a great social program and one of the few things we've done right as far as social programs goes. It's a great success.

Guess that goes with being proud of your country for the first time as an adult mindset.
Well, that's just a stupid, baseless jackass statement. Try harder not to embarrass yourself.

Anyway how and what vehicle is used to 'invest' social security funds? Are they still in the lockbox or are they actually 'invested'? Where can I find a quarterly statement?
Seriously? You don't have a clue about the very basics of Social Security? You do have internet access, right? Maybe try some self-education?
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