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Old 05-06-2011, 02:45 PM
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miraja2 miraja2 is offline
Arlington Park
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Rick Santorum might be a more serious contender for the nomination than I would have thought a month or two ago. He may have to battle Michelle Bachmann for the bat-sh!t crazy wing of the party, but he doesn't come across quite as openly stupid as Bachmann.
Romney and Pawlenty and maybe one or two others (Mitch Daniels? Newt?) will be battling among more mainstream conservatives and Paul will obviously carry the small (but bigger than it was 4 years ago) libertarian sect of the party.
It will be interesting to watch which clown they end up with, but I sure hope its someone in the Santorum/Bachmann mold. They would be much easier for Obama to defeat than someone like Romney....who might be tough in a general election.
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