Originally Posted by dellinger63
we have 7 times their population and we're going to somehow handle the influx of newly insured patients many of who are subsidized by presently insured patients?
It's a shame that, months after this law was passed, you still have apparently deliberately not bothered to learn what it actually contains, in favor of made up assumptions.
First, the statement above is false. The majority of patients won't be "subsidized" by anyone but their own money. They will
no longer be subsided by you and I, as they are right now.
Is this really too hard for you to understand? That private patients will be purchasing health insurance from private insurance companies? And getting health care from whatever private doctors those insurance companies allow, just like now?
Secondly, the population of other countries has nothing to do with our population, or our doctor-patient ratios.
Third, those "newly insured patients" are currently getting health care in our ER's. It will be nice to both get them off my (and your) dime, and get them out of the ER.
Fourth, if we need more internists, we will make them. That isn't very difficult.
Fifth, are you really making the argument that people shouldn't be able to purchase their own health insurance and get health care in this country, because we have a limit on how much health care we will give in this country? And once we reach some quota, everyone else is shine out of luck? What is that limit? Who set it? It's an absurdly silly argument.