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Old 06-04-2011, 11:21 AM
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somerfrost somerfrost is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i can't believe no one has yet mentioned libya, our role there, or the lack of communication between the white house and congress. congress rebuked the president yesterday for failing to follow the rules about engagement of troops-not a peep. the patriot act continues, not a whimper. where is all the outrage now? there was plenty when bush was in office, and tyranny was spotted in every move he made. but now? nothing. there are some posters who think obama is doing a great job. at what? what has changed? is the economy better? out of those expensive wars? how's spending? the budget, the deficit? gay rights? gays in the military?
a certain member of congress once went on the record about the debt ceiling, and how having to raise it showed the ineptitude of the govt. boy, that mindset has now changed, hasn't it?

i'm serious tho. what has changed? what sets obama's reign over the previous one? i thought bush sucked. i don't see what's different since he left.
Well, there's been a slight change to health care, increased benefits for troops, withdrawal from Iraq, an actual plan to withdraw from Afghanistan, bin Laden fish food....just to name a few. Folks in this country are driven by sound bites and expect immediate results to issues decades in the making. Don't get me wrong, President Obama has dropped the ball a number of times (allowing Bush tax cuts to continue for example) and has been slow to act on gay rights but he needs the help of Congress also. I'll never be satisfied with middle of the road politics but it's better than right wing politics!
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