Originally Posted by Honu
Thankfully I have insurance through my partners job, a very small company with about 20 employees. Even though they have had to change the policy and increase the co-pay and reduce the amount the insurance will cover for operations its more than my employeer offers or any other trainer on the the racetrack. Hopefully buisness will pick up and they wont have to reduce the coverage or increase the payments.
In the racing world trainers would rather pay the fine the government is going to give them than even consider getting health insurance for their workers all the while driving their BMW's and Benz's and living in one of their two houses.
True they have earned their cars and houses and I dont deny them that, but it would be nice if they just even considered looking into insurance, other small buisness can make it work so I dont know why they cant.
The first rule of business: pay yourself first. That will never change, no matter how creatively they try to tax or regulate us out of our own money.