Originally Posted by dellinger63
Interesting police tactic. Seems to be a win-win situation in that uninsured cars are taken off the road and the city makes some $$$ in fines and ultimately at auction.
You can't drive an uninsured car in any state that I'm aware of (heck, maybe Wyoming, though). If an officer pulls you over for, say, a seat-belt violation, he can't let you go on your way in that uninsured car after he tickets you.
However: yes, I have to get that car off the side of the road by having it towed. I would have it towed back to my driveway, where it would sit until I would get it insured.
And if I didn't get it towed (like any undriveable car on the side of a road now) eventually after "X" days of official notification, the government could clear it by towing it to their storage facility.
But for the government to immediately impound my car, make storage fees off of it, and end up disposing of it, is simply
theft by the government.
I can't see how it will stand up to a court challenge.
Dell, you are supposedly libertarian - I cannot believe you are in favor of the government stealing people's cars to make money off them. It is not illegal to own a non-driveable automobile.